DON QUIXOTE VS. CITY HALL When an American gets mad, he says "where's my Gun". When a Canadian gets pissed off he says "Where is my pen, I'm going to send a letter to the EDITOR". When the EDITOR won't publish his letter he sets up his own BLOG page.
When I received enough support to get a Council Seat the dogma of the establishment became : "Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in." (Only time will tell !)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Possible Contenders in Council Race 2008 - Mayor to run unopposed ?
This Mayor will not only be opposed he will be replaced come November
It's about time that the "naysayers" out there got off the pot and helped us to decide who to vote "FOR" rather than telling us who we will vote against in November. After all when you go into the polling booths that is the question, isn't it? Clearly mark the candidate you vote "FOR". But then again, it's easier to criticise than it is to put your own reputation for doing the right thing on the line, isn't it, Mr. Taxpayer.
The 'Taxpayer' shall you will be happy to hear come up with the ISSUES most importantly so that we do not do what we did last time and vote for the least of the bad lot !! We have seen the result of such leadership
The 'Taxpayer' you will also be very happy to hear will make your wish come true by suggesting some good people whose first quality will be be intelligence for a change!!
Who the heck put their reputation on the line as one of your commentators stated. This comment must have come from Flipperts campaign committee of one. However he forgets that Flippert does not have a reputation anymore than he has leadership skills. Forget the easy saying of naysayers when there is legitimate criticism of the worst mayor and council in the last couple of decades in Vernon-throw them out!
This Mayor will not only be opposed he will be replaced come November
It's about time that the "naysayers" out there got off the pot and helped us to decide who to vote "FOR" rather than telling us who we will vote against in November. After all when you go into the polling booths that is the question, isn't it? Clearly mark the candidate you vote "FOR". But then again, it's easier to criticise than it is to put your own reputation for doing the right thing on the line, isn't it, Mr. Taxpayer.
The 'Taxpayer' shall you will be happy to hear come up with the ISSUES most importantly so that we do not do what we did last time and vote for the least of the bad lot !!
We have seen the result of such leadership
The 'Taxpayer' you will also be very happy to hear will make your wish come true by suggesting some good people whose first quality will be be intelligence for a change!!
Who the heck put their reputation on the line as one of your commentators stated. This comment must have come from Flipperts campaign committee of one. However he forgets that Flippert does not have a reputation anymore than he has leadership skills. Forget the easy saying of naysayers when there is legitimate criticism of the worst mayor and council in the last couple of decades in Vernon-throw them out!
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