Saturday, July 05, 2008

Vernon RCMP swear in a “Few Good Men and Women”

Vernon RCMP seeking a "Few Good Men and Women"

The Auxiliary Constable Program is a Community Policing program that is managed by the RCMP where volunteers from within the community are trained as Auxiliary Constables. The Auxiliary Constables perform a wide range of Community Policing activities within the Vernon/North Okanagan detachment area including assisting with Community Events, Foot Patrols, Bike Patrols, Boat Patrols and Ski Patrol to name a few. There is also a component of the program that finds Auxiliary Constables volunteering with the Regular Members of the detachment on busy weekends and holidays.

The training program is comprehensive, intense and covers areas such as Community Policing Strategies, Criminal Law, Powers of Arrest, Search and Seizure, Provincial Statutes, Self Defence, Drill and Deportment, Physical Fitness and much more. Training takes place on
Saturday’s in Vernon and is a full 8 hour day. This enables the training to be completed in approximately 4 months. Upon completion of the Training Program, “recruits” are sworn in as Auxiliary Constables and issued uniforms and equipment.
The latest troop of nine auxiliaries were issued their badges and marching orders on Saturday July 5th 10:00 AM at City Hall in Vernon. Insp McVarnock and S/Sgt Carlson from the RCMP and counselor Juliette Cunningham did the presentations of the badges. With the nine new auxiliaries this will bring the total number to 24 for the Vernon/North Okanagan Detachment.

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