Sunday, November 16, 2008

Garlick races past Taylor in Coldstream

Coldstream residents made their wishes clear Saturday. Message being: Jim Garlick is the man for the top job. Garlick clearly beat Glen Taylor in the mayoralty race with more than double the votes. Garlick had 1,899 votes versus Taylor’s 874. The result came as a surprise to both parties. “It’s a pleasant surprise,” said Garlick, moments after seeing the total numbers roll in Saturday night and shaking the hands of his supporters. “I was a little surprised there was that much a difference,” said Taylor, who while obviously disappointed, will keep his councill-less future busy with his business and invention progress. “I was up against quite a machine that was out there in force.” Garlick and his new council start Dec. 1 and run three years, to December 2011.

The new councillors who will join him at that time are (in order of votes received): Richard Enns (1,437), incumbent Doug Dirk (1,379), Maria Besso (1,347), incumbent Bill Firman (1,255), Gyula Kiss (1,215) and Pat Cochrane (1,204).

Getting the new councillors up to speed on not just the workings of council, but the workings of Coldstream, is a priority for Garlick. “I am looking forward to moving forward as quickly as possible,” said the 47-year-old Clarence Fulton Secondary teacher. Recalling his own introduction to council three years ago, Garlick wished he had been given a better education of everything from water to sewer and projects on the books. Another item Garlick says his council will play an important role in is his desire to re-instate Leo Lecavalier as a firefighter. “It’s part of a process to heal some wounds.” Garlick has also shown interest in an Official Community Plan review. But when it comes to any plans the most important thing is “we have to engage the community.”


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the best man won. Jim Garlick is a truly dedicated researcher/learner. He's going to do the studying to find solutions to the community's issues. He'll be there (in the city hall) to truly serve the community and make things run more smoothly and democratically. I know Jim will serve YOU and not his own interests and/or the interests of business acquaintances. You can rest assured that the Old School Politics died in Coldstream (finally.)

Anonymous said...

The new council in Coldstream opens the possibility of a new and brighter future for the community. They will face an uphill task with a regional economy in rapid decline, the glass plant closure, an on-going crisis with the fire department and a community that has a long history of short term thinking and solutions especially as it comes to planning and the environment! That said, with a pragmatic, balanced and educated approach the new council should be able to make some significant progress in the right direction.