Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Money Tied to Gambling Interests Poured into BC Liberal Coffers

By Sean Holman Published: November 27,The Tyee (Full Story)

Private bingo hall and community gaming centre interests appear to have contributed more than a quarter million dollars to the provincial Liberals between 2002 and 2007. But almost none of those donations were made via companies publicly-identified as bingo hall service providers in British Columbia Lottery Corp. annual reports released between fiscal 2002/03 and 2007/08. Instead, a three week investigation by 24 hours shows 98 per cent of the donations came in the form of contributions from industry-connected individuals or companies whose president is a current or former gaming facility owner/operator. And almost a quarter of the donations were recorded by the Liberals' as being made on the same day -- Feb. 15, 2005, three months before the last provincial election. Of the seven individuals and couples who made corporate and personal donations on that date, six wouldn't or couldn't give details about those contributions. The seventh was in Palm Springs and won't be returning to B.C. until Christmas.

When those donors -- as well as other owner/operators -- were asked why they contributed via companies other than their service providers, explanations ranged from "because [that was the company that] probably had some money in it" to "it was just the cheque I happened to have on me."


Don Quixote Note: Full details of contributions can be found at above Link.

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