Published: March 10, 2009 7:00 PM Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star
Vernon taxpayers will be providing financial support to a local art gallery for another year. Council agreed Monday to provide a $10,000 grant to the North Okanagan Artists Alternative to operate Gallery Vertigo. “They provide a service to a level of artist that no one else does,” said Coun. Patrick Nicol. Gallery Vertigo conducts shows for artists as well as professional development programs for artists, studio space and a reading and music series. Opposition came from Coun. Bob Spiers, who says the gallery received $10,000 last year and grants should be one-time only. “They got what they had last year,” he said. Gallery Vertigo had been seeking $15,000 from the city for 2009.
Hotel Tax Moves Ahead
Council has given final adoption to a bylaw that would create a hotel and motel room tax. The primary thrust of the two per cent tax will be to increase marketing and improve tourism-related infrastructure. It was originally forecast that the room tax could generate about $420,000 a year, although that figure could be lower because of the recession and fewer people travelling. Because the bylaw will need official approval from the provincial government, the new tax may not be official until Sept. 1.
Slot Machines Head to Hearing
Two readings were given to a bylaw that would allow 400 slot machines in Vernon, instead of the existing 300. The next step will be a public hearing April 14 at 5:30 p.m. at city hall. Coun. Jack Gilroy says the bylaw would allow for the B.C. Lottery Corporation to install 400 machines at the new Lake City Casino outlet as was identified in building plans submitted to the city. However, Coun. Spiers is opposed to changing the bylaw. “We lose any leverage for future negotiations to get 10 per cent of the gross revenue than 10 per cent of the net revenue,” he said.
1 comment:
Abuse of the system again. They received a one time grant before and now they are getting another grant!If they were entitled to any grant,it should be via Greater Vernon-that is who supports the Art Gallery.Why is Vernon always picking up the tab? Irresponsible local government,always bending to the wishes of their friends.
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