Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday March 30 at 5:30Pm. Public Input to 2009 Budget.

Under the provisions of the Local Government Act, the municipality must have a financial plan that is adopted annually, by bylaw, before May 15th, which is the date that the annual property tax bylaw must be adopted. The planning period is five years, covering the current year plus the next four years.

Council must undertake a process of public consultation regarding the proposed financial plan before it is adopted. This is normally done in the early part of the year by way of a public meeting. Notice of the meeting is placed in the local papers.

The 2009-2013 Financial Plan as advertised in Sunday's paper is on City's website and can be found here

. A copy can be picked up at City Hall at the front desk. (This paper copy is much easier to read than the online version.)

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