Thursday, April 16, 2009

West Kelowna financial plan approved

Wayne Moore - Apr 16, 2009 CASTANET:

West Kelowna Council passed its 2009-2013 financial plan Tuesday. Taxpayers in the municipality will be hit with a 2% tax increase in 2009 with anticipated hikes of 5% in 2010 through 2013. Future increases could change depending on need. A West Kelowna homeowner with a property valued at $450,000 can expect to pay approximately $1,237 in property taxes this year. Councillor, Rosalind Neis, who cast the lone vote against the financial plan, says she still has a problem with what she calls the 'methodology' of the budget. "All we've done is bring back money that was supposed to go into savings and we haven't done anything to cut expenses," says Neis. "I find it very hard to support the methodology behind this when our savings accounts are what is being affected and it's not our spending that is being curtailed." Despite objections from Neis, Councillor Duane Ophus, says he believes West Kelowna Council took a very prudent approach to the financial plan. "We've been over this in detail for a number of meetings over a number of months and I think we have come to a pretty satisfactory conclusion. I think we are showing a significant level of responsibility in terms of a 2% tax increase for 2009 given the economic conditions out there," says Ophus. "I have taken a close look at the expenditures that are contemplated in this budget and am quite satisfied we are doing all we can do to be as economical as we can with the tax resources of the District of West Kelowna."

Neis was also shot down in her bid to have Council's discretionary budget of $333,000 sent directly to reserves. The discretionary fund gives council funds for requests which come from the community throughout the year. Her motion to move the money to a reserve fund failed to receive a seconder. Councillor, Gord Milsom, also believed that some, but not all, of the discretionary funds be sent to reserves. "I believe we should move some of the monies into reserves, but I think it is practical to have some dollars available because you never know what comes up. We still have another seven, eight months to go this year," says Milsom. He asked that about $200,000 be moved to reserves, leaving $133,000 in the discretionary account. Council voted to keep the entire amount in the discretionary account. Later in the meeting, Council elected to spend $30,000 from that fund to purchase a new vehicle which will be used by Citizens on Patrol.

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