Saturday, July 18, 2009

Interior Health cutting 100 jobs

Saturday, July 18, 2009 | 12:19 PM PT CBC NEWS:

B.C.'s Interior Health Authority is in the process of cutting 100 jobs as it copes with heavy budget pressure. Chief executive officer Murray Ramsden said 50 people would be laid off and another 50 vacant positions eliminated. The move comes after the health authority said earlier this week workers had been asked to accept four-day work weeks, a hiring freeze and slashed travel costs as it faces a potential budget shortfall of at least $30 million. "We are trying to find our savings through the [administration] and support areas," Ramsden said. "We are asking our clinical areas to stay at last year's [spending] levels and at this point, they are running over last year's levels, so that is our challenge." Ramsden said he's hopeful the moves will keep patient care from suffering, though he wouldn't make any promises."If it continues for the longer term, yes, it will have an impact, but in the short term —meaning this year — I am still optimistic that by all of us working together, working through the challenges that are out there, that we will be very successful in coming through the year," he said.

Health authorities across the province are grappling with budget pressures after Health Minister Kevin Falcon said earlier this month there would be no health-care bailouts this year.He instructed health authorities to cut costs in order to stay within their allocated budgets.


pdf icon small Year Ended Reports 2008 IHA Reports

Audited Financial Statements – Year ended March 31, 2008
Statement of Executive Compensation – Year ended March 31, 2008
Salaries >$75,000 – Year ended March 31, 2008


Cutting costs
Web posted on Friday, 17 July 2009 CHBC VIDEO

The big boss at Interior Health is hopeful he can find $30 million in savings without compromising patient care.

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