Friday, July 24, 2009

Provincial Revenue Carbon Tax neutrality gone and a Provincial tax on a tax in effect July 1, 2010 ??

Ottawa cashing in with tax on B.C.'s carbon tax july 29,2008 (excerpts below)

B.C. Finance Minister Colin Hansen said he is powerless to stop Ottawa from having tax on the carbon tax. When British Columbia's much disputed carbon tax kicked on July 1st, Victoria said it would be revenue neutral, the money generated would be returned to taxpayers. But it turns out Ottawa is cashing in by collecting the GST on top of the carbon tax.

BC Finance Minister Colin Hansen says there is nothing he can do. "I personally disagree with the concept of a tax on a tax but that's the way the federal government has the GST set up,'' he said.

Don Quixote Note:Since the GST (Gouge & Screw Tax) is applied to the B.C. Carbon tax and B.C. Innovative Clean Energy Tax BUT are PST exempt now, it seems that Minister Colin Hansen will have to eat personal crow as the unified HST will probably apply to both of these 2 provincial Green Taxes. (There goes revenue neutrality)

The harmonized HST will already add over $1.35 million for Vernon Terasen Gas users and a further 7% tax on their BC Hydro bills so the extra 7% that you have to pay your barber or hair stylist will seem like pretty small potatoes.!!!

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