Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Patrol wheeling out tickets

Jennifer Smith - Vernon Morning Star Published: July 14, 2009 7:00 PM

The RCMP’s two-wheeled patrol team has been busy keeping the city’s parks and beaches crime-free. The bike patrol unit has been navigating Vernon streets for the past three weeks and so far have proven to be an effective crime-fighting tool. “They’re all around,” said Gord Molendyk, RCMP spokesman. “Trying to keep our parks a safe and enjoyable place for everyone to use.” So far, the team has arrested 18 people for drinking in a public place, issued three 24-hour driving suspensions, 17 violation tickets for driving infractions and liquor, 10 bylaw tickets for drug paraphernalia, three bylaw tickets for drug possession, four boating tickets plus eight boat warnings, five breaches and one impaired driving charge. “They can pop in and around the parks around and the beaches. They come quietly, they’re in and around alleys and they’re ideal in crowds,” said Molendyk. The team focuses patrols downtown as well as Polson Park, Kin Beach and Linear Park (on 25th Avenue). “They’re keeping those individuals who are going to use it for the wrong reasons out of there,” said Molendyk.For example at the beaches, motorists are checked as they come and leave, many of which are found with alcohol.They also do back up work for other members.“They’re a multi-purpose unit. For example, if tonight it’s raining, they’ll jump in a car and do their patrols.”

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