Huguette Allen, who ran as a Green federal candidate in 2008 and again as a provincial candidate last S
pring, came first among 17 others running for election as Councillor at Large on the Federal Council of the Green Party of Canada.
Allen ran on a ballot of structuring the party for success. "I look forward to working with excellent dedicated people across Canada who all share the same vision: electing Greens to parliament so Canada can join the hundreds of countries where Greens help create a sustainable vision for the future" said Allen.
The Green Party's Federal Council is the governing body of the party. It consists of 22 voting members elected for 2 year terms. Voters across Canada were impressed with Allen's success in local campaigns. Next to Green Party leader Elizabeth May, Allen racked up the largest increase in voter response between 2006 and 2008, more than quadrupling Green party support in Okanagan-Shuswap.
Allen ran on a ballot of structuring the party for success. "I look forward to working with excellent dedicated people across Canada who all share the same vision: electing Greens to parliament so Canada can join the hundreds of countries where Greens help create a sustainable vision for the future" said Allen.
The Green Party's Federal Council is the governing body of the party. It consists of 22 voting members elected for 2 year terms. Voters across Canada were impressed with Allen's success in local campaigns. Next to Green Party leader Elizabeth May, Allen racked up the largest increase in voter response between 2006 and 2008, more than quadrupling Green party support in Okanagan-Shuswap.
Combining that with Allen's upfront common sense approach, got a lot of people to vote for her. "I have a very strong mandate. I will do all I can to ensure we build the Green Party for success. I really believe it has become the only relevant party, the only one that addresses the urgent issues we face in a realistic and positive way."
1 comment:
Urgent issues? I wonder what she means by that. I hope not pointless stuff like global warming for example. We really need to be focused on more important issues than that right now. But I may be wrong, I just don't want to see our country's economy going down the drain just because we're trying to save the environment.
Take care, Lorne
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