Saturday, September 05, 2009

NORD decision frustrates director

Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star Published: September 05, 2009 12:00 PM

A Vernon politician is accusing adjacent communities of ignoring regional co-operation.On Wednesday, the North Okanagan Regional District decided to prevent the City of Vernon from dumping snow cleared from roads at BX Ranch Park.That move was based on a recommendation from the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee, but it didn’t go over well with Jack Gilroy, a NORD director and city councillor.“Vernon is a big part of GVAC and we should be able to put snow there,” he said.“We have a partnership but people seem to forget it.”

Numerous complaints arose last year when GVAC administration gave the city permission to dispose of snow at the park, which is located in the BX-Silver Star electoral area. The complaints included glass being found in the snow, the possibility of de-icing chemicals ending up in BX Creek and the piles of snow making it difficult for park users to walk around.Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director, says the board had no choice but to address the public’s concerns.“It’s not part of Vernon public works,” he said of the park.“It’s a park and we want to keep it that way.”

Of the six directors who could participate in Wednesday’s vote, only Gilroy opposed the motion. Vernon’s other two directors — Patrick Nicol and Wayne Lippert — supported the ban on snow disposal.

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