Monday, September 14, 2009

Vernon decision costs Kelowna bucks

Rob Turner - Sep 14, 2009 / 5:45 pm CASTANET:

Kelowna is coughing up an additional $2.6 million to upgrade the Kelowna-Vernon biosolids composting facility this year. Much of the budget increase represents increased expenditure on improving odour control in the facility's vicinity. But some of the unbudgeted increase represents a shortfall created after Vernon refused to take on the Central Okanagan regional district as a full partner in the venture, according to a staff report Monday to Kelowna city council. The regional district was set to bear an estimated $664,000 of the cost of upgrading the facility on Commonage Road in the North Okanagan, which has been the subject of complaints by neighbours over odour, according to the report. That represented a 12 per cent investment in the facility by the RDCO, but it was rejected by Vernon. Kelowna is now recommending that Vernon accept the regional district as a tipping fee customer of the expanded facility. The facility produces the Okanagan's popular Ogogrow-branded fertilizer and mulch.

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