Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Canada gets a Silver in Fossil awards Dec.8

Fossil of the Day awards: Dec.8

Ukraine wins first place for having the single worst carbon emissions reduction target in the world: a -20% reduction from 1990 levels… which means a 75% increase from current levels.

SECOND PLACE: THE UMBRELLA GROUP (Industrialized non-EU countries: Canada, Iceland, Japan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Norway, Russian Federation, Ukraine, United States and Australia)
A fossil for the Umbrella Group for proposing in this morning’s SBSTA plenary that carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects should qualify as CDM projects.

Ukraine wins third–and its second Fossil of the Day… of the day!–for refusing to tell anyone how it is using its money from selling emissions credits. Ukraine has sold Japan €300 million worth of emissions permissions. It’s required by its own treaty obligations to explain where that money is going. But when Ukraine’s NGOs asked, their government refused to answer.
After 2 days of the Copenhagen Climate Change Meeting:
Canada has 1 bronze and 1 Silver

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