Friday, January 22, 2010

Mayor Not So Sure About Zero Budget

Working towards a zero increase budget may not be a simple as some on city council once thought. Vernon mayor Wayne Lippert would like to see no tax hike this year but is not convinced that's possible after yesterday's meeting. "We've just made it halfway through the service level adjustments and already it looks like there will be an increase in taxes to the taxpayers." He feels for example, a 65-thousand dollar renovation approved for the fire hall was something that could have been delayed. "It was one of those things that would have to be done sometime, but I don't think it was one of those that needed to be done this year."

Councillor Patrick Nicol says they're looking at the budget more carefully than last year, and not adding new employees. "The spending levels that increased (last year) have definitely dwindled this year in terms of what we're approving, dramatically." There was no public input at the allotted 11:30 time at Thursday special meeting at City Hall.

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