Monday, January 18, 2010

Ranch To Add Dry Campground

O'Keefe Ranch plans to add a dry RV campground this yearThe president of the O'Keefe Ranch says they're taking steps to reduce their dependency on city funding. Rod Drennan says an recreational vehicle park is still a possibility, and 'dry camping' will start this summer. He tells Kiss FM, "Dry camping is parking R-V's without any services. You don't get to plug in, you don't get water. There's no services there, but you get a nice place to park and there will be other services nearby." He says they will try that out this year to see what the demand is and when the busy months for RV'ing are. The Ranch had tried to add an RV park a couple years ago but had its application turned down by the Agricultural Land Commission.

As for calls from city councillors to become more self sufficient, Drennan points out they are owned by the city and adds they secured $160,000 in funding last year, from sources other than from the city. That money was used for upgrade and reconstruction work. City council approved 107-thousand dollars for the Ranch on Friday, half of what they want for the year.

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