Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fire Centre Debate Needs Extra Time

The future of NORD's fire training centre led to enough debate that Wednesday's regular board meeting spilled over into the next day. Some of the district's participants--most notably Vernon---have questioned the annual budget of 270-thousand dollars for the facility that trains local firefighters. NORD chairman Herman Halvorson says after much discussion, the board approved a budget for the facility and agreed to have staff come up with options over the next few months. "And we will be dealing with that at that time. We will try to get the fire training centre down to a bare bones situaiton, or we could go for a fee for service and use it as a profit centre." Halvorson says the training centre debate was holding up passage of NORD's overall budget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess all the politicians will claim extra money for an additional meeting because they didn't do their homework before the first meeting. Wasn't this service subject to a service review 2 years ago?