Saturday, March 27, 2010

Parks function facing changes

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star Published: March 27, 2010 12:00 PM

Greater Vernon’s parks and recreation service continues to evolve through political discussions. Representatives from Vernon, Coldstream and the two electoral areas met for a third time with consultant Allan Neilson-Welch Thursday to see how the function can be changed to address concerns. “We’ve actually come a long ways,” said Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director. “We’ve identified what’s sub-regional in scope and what’s local. We should celebrate that.”

Under a proposal put forward by Neilson-Welch, a new restructured function would be limited to existing or future facilities owned by the four jurisdictions through the regional district. That would include Wesbild Centre and the Performing Arts Centre. The same guidelines would apply to nature reserves, trails and beaches, such as Kal or Kin, that are considered important to all jurisdictions. There could also be joint planning and land acquisition for new parks and specific facilities. Any parks or facilities not included in a new structure would be owned or operated individually by the four communities.

While there are some common themes, differences also exist between the parties.The most significant is the Vernon Recreation Complex. The city, which owns the facility, wants full decision-making authority. “All we’re looking for is a way to improve facilities and that’s been the challenge in the past,” said Wayne Lippert, Vernon mayor. But the city would want the other jurisdictions to pay towards the cost of the facility to reflect use by residents from those areas. Jim Garlick, Coldstream mayor, says while the city may hold title, ownership of the complex isn’t clear. “Capital works have been done by all four jurisdictions. There’s been ownership over those years,” he said. Mike Gavinchuk, BX-Swan Lake director, is concerned that his residents could lose access to the complex if there isn’t a financial arrangement.“We should participate as much as we have in the past because we have gained,” he said. Macnabb says he may consider annual grants, but will not commit to guaranteed funding for the complex because of financial pressures on his residents.

Another outstanding issue is arts and culture. Vernon and Coldstream could possibly form a separate function to cover agencies like the museum and art gallery. However, the two electoral areas don’t consider the cultural amenities as similar priorities. Divisions also exist over programming and the Kal Beach parking lot. The participants are expected to meet again with Neilson-Welch in May.

1 comment:

VernonResident said...

One step forward, three steps back...

Anyone agree that we should celebrate the fact that the politicians are pulling yet another sub-regional function apart, for what reasons exactly?

Are there really that many taxpayers really ticked off about parks?

A recent Vernon taxpayer survey showed a high degree of satisfaction with that particular service... no idea if NORD conducts similar studies?

According to the B&C reps, we are to believe that rural residents may want to swim at the Vernon Rec Centre or check out a hockey game at the Multiplex, but apparently they are not cultured enough to want to visit the Art Gallery or Museum? Seriously???

Even Neilson-Welch, no matter how much money is thrown at him, can't fix these optics.