Friday, April 30, 2010

Water limits send Vernon residents off the deep end

Damian Inwood, The Province April 30, 2010

Vernon-area politicians are hoping to pour water on a firestorm that erupted over a ban on filling backyard swimming pools. North Okanagan Regional District was flooded with angry phone calls and emails after residents went off the deep end over the sudden move. "We were caught a little bit off guard," admitted Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert Thursday. "The regional-district board voted to give staff authority to go to Level 3 water restrictions. We expected staff to give water users a heads-up and some lead time that these were going to be put in place."New limits restrict lawn and garden watering, and ban the filling and refilling of pools, spas, ponds and fountains. Lee Kazmar, owner of Vernon based Pools, Ponds and Waterscapes, says he likely faces "$200,000 in canceled business." He says residents are still allowed to water for six hours, one day a week. He said that amounts to about 27,000 litres, 10 times what pool owners need to top up their pools. Regional water manager Al Cotsworth said the ban was brought in because snowpack is at a 41-year low. In previous years, Level 3 limits dealt with agricultural users and lawn watering, he added. Now they restricts swimming pools, car washes and pressure washing.

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