Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Plans For New Howard House

The John Howard Society is seeking city approval for a new building to replace Howard House in south Vernon. Executive director Barb Levesque says the new facility would be located where their garden is, fronting on 24th Avenue.

Howard House

She told the media, "It's probably about a 19 million dollar project and we're looking at a mortgage for that amount, and hopefully we can mitigate some of that cost from grants and corporate donations but realistically we're looking at between 15 and 19 million dollars." Levesque says the current building on 43rd Street, parts of which date back to 1938, needs extensive repairs and is space limited. "It's really not that safe. It's difficult to keep clean, We have a leaky roof and plumbingthat often backs up, so it will mean we'll have a building that serves a basic function. We're not looking to build something that is elegant or a hotel. It's a basic building providing basic services with a focus on our administration offices so that we can do the best for our clients." Levesque says the new facility will have the same number of addictions, transitional housing and men's shelter beds as current, about 47.

She estimates the construction would require six months of pre-loading followed by a year of building. The current building would be torn down after the new one is complete. She is not sure what the new facility will be called, saying Howard House is a historical name that is used all over Canada and England. The society is seeking a 'zoning text change' from the city as the land currently doesn't allow for shelter or transitional housing use. Levesque says they've been "grandfathered" with the current facility but would need the change for a new structure. City council will likely discuss the application at its next meeting.

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