Suggestions or comments relating to routes, schedules, fares, bus stops, travel options, contact the City of Vernon, the North Okanagan Regional District or the District of Coldstream.
Schedules and Maps:

It also appears that there will be 2 extra trips with the first bus starting earlier at 6:25 AM and an extra bus in evening starting at 6:30 PM and completing its trip at 6:59 PM
There will be a Service Review (next 5 years) later this year and this will include public meetings and open houses for input on both the short and long term plans for transit in Vernon. This would be the ideal process for people to get involved in to ensure that BC Transit are fully aware of local desires and requirements so they can plan to expand the service both in terms of areas covered and an increased frequency of service.
Please feel free to make any comments you have on this blog but also make sure you e-mail them to the City of Vernon, staff transit representative.
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