Thursday, September 30, 2010

Allan Brooks granted funding fix

Vernon council has answered nature’s call.  The Allan Brooks Nature Centre has requested a one-time grant of $10,000 to help with its funding issues.  Council unanimously passed the request.  “As long as this is only a one-time grant,” said Coun. Bob Spiers.  Council received a two-page application from the nature centre society, explaining that the money would be used for educational programs in 2010, as funding previously available from community gaming grants, and federal and provincial agencies, had dried up, been curtailed or frozen for the year.  “This current lack of funding has caused a dilemma for the Allan Brooks Nature Centre Society,” wrote society president Ken Barton. “We have always been extremely careful not to overextend ourselves financially.”  The society had been considering using funds put away for expanding the facility, located off of Commonage Road, to cover the educational program costs.  Celebrating its 10th year, the Allan Brooks Nature Centre Society has been a leader in environmental education and stewardship in the North Okanagan. Society members and staff have developed off-site environmental educational programs for local residents and visitors, and has become actively involved in local and regional land use and natural resources planning processes.

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