Thursday, September 23, 2010

City launches online green bike lanes survey

Sep. 23, 2010
To determine effectiveness of lanes along Enterprise Way

The City of Kelowna is launching an online survey to determine the effectiveness of green bike lanes installed at six intersections along Enterprise Way. "The information collected in this survey will help improve planning, design, and operations of the city's cycling infrastructure," says Transportation and Mobility Manager, Jerry Behl. "Colourized bike lanes have been found to increase motorists' awareness of the presence of cyclists, resulting in fewer collisions."
The objective of the colourized bike lanes is threefold; to emphasize proper lane placement and discourage motorists from encroaching into bike lanes, to encourage safe merging behaviour between cyclists and motorists, and to direct motorists to yield to through cyclists by installing "Turning Vehicles Yield to Cyclists" signs.
The green bike lanes installed in August can be found along Enterprise Way at Spall Road, Hardy Street, Cooper Road, Dilworth Road, Leckie Road and Banks Road.
The total cost of the project was approximately $29,000, funded in part by ICBC. City of Kelowna's contribution was $18,000.
The survey will be available until Friday, October 22. Next summer, motorists and cyclists will be surveyed for their opinions by on-site personnel.
Visit to access the online survey and learn more about this pilot project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and notice how it is completely empty! Just like all the bike lanes they put in Vernon that now make the lanes even skinnier!