Thursday, September 09, 2010

Costs for library going up

Greater Vernon’s library is going to cost more, but officials insist it’s not a sign of things to come. Okanagan Regional Library staff will recommend to the board Wednesday that $2 million from reserves be added to the construction budget for a new 30,000-square-foot branch on 30th Avenue. That would be on top of the $11.9 million already budgeted. “The $11 million was based on an early quantity surveyor’s report and when we hired a project manager and architect, they said it may not be enough money for the whole building if we’re going to include underground parking,” said Lesley Dieno, executive director. Dieno doesn’t believe the additional $2 million means even more money will be required for the project. “I’d be really surprised. We have hired a good architectural firm and a good project manager,” she said, adding that the only factor that could possibly drive expenses upwards is an improving economy. “I don’t see the economy fast-tracking and huge increases in everything as they were before 2008.”

Staff wants the money taken from reserves to avoid the need for additional tax increases. “It’s only moving money that’s allocated and we always thought it would go to Vernon,” said Dieno, adding that other projects throughout the ORL region won’t suffer because of the lack of reserves. Besides accessing reserves, another option proposed by staff is designing the building so it’s smaller and has fewer features. “Given that we already were assuming a building sized to current population and were not counting on adding significant special finishing or features, there may not be too much room here without compromising the building functionality or adding to operating costs,” said Don Nettleton, financial manager, in a written memo.

Shawn Lee, Vernon’s representative to the ORL board, hasn’t decided if the budget should be expanded. “It’s a bit of a jump to add $2 million but I need to see the details first,” he said. “When you are constructing a building for a long period of time, you don’t want to not spend the money you should have right at the beginning, but I remain to be convinced.” Through the North Okanagan Regional District, ORL is borrowing $11 million for the new library. ORL will repay the principal and pay the interest, fees and financing, and cost-sharing will be done by the entire library district, which goes from Golden to Osoyoos and Princeton. The agency had also set money aside in reserves for the Vernon branch.


Anonymous said...

This should be cancelled and go back to the public for their comments. Any other direction is irresponsible.

Kalwest said...

Amazing how all of a sudden the ORL board has reserves to cover the $2 million over run before the projects starts.

Isn't this what you call covering your ass?

Anonymous said...

Rolke usually has his foolish comments about everything. But look at the library and he has no comments. It's a well known fact that he is in favour of the new library and who can expect comments from such a poor reporter. I assume he is a reporter,or does he just wish to keep on good terms with those who makes his job easy by giving him the "news"