Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lobbying keeps city busy at UBCM

Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star Published: September 25, 2010 12:00 PM
Vernon politicians will be busy when they head to the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention.
Three members of council, as well as chief administrative officer Leon Gous, will attend workshops and meet with nine provincial cabinet ministers at the conference, which runs from Tuesday to Friday in Whistler.  “It’s probably the most we’ve ever had,” said Mayor Wayne Lippert of the appointments with senior government officials. Among the meetings will be one with Premier Gordon Campbell.
“We want to talk about roads, water and governance issues,” said Lippert. “We want to bring him up to speed on where we’re at, and we want to find solutions.”  In terms of governance, discussions will revolve around changes to Greater Vernon’s water utility and not amalgamating the local jurisdictions.
“I’m not looking to beat that drum because they know my views on it already,” said Lippert.
Council can meet with cabinet ministers at other times of the year, but Lippert insists that UBCM simplifies the process.  “You can meet with a number of ministers during one time period,” he said, adding that some issues cross over various agencies.

“With water, licenses are done through the Ministry of Environment but devolution (leaving a function) goes through the Ministry of Community Development. When the ministers get together at caucus, it’s easier for them to talk about an issue because they have heard the same message from us.” City delegates will also attend some meetings set up by the North Okanagan Regional District. Lippert believes this provides a chance for all communities to work on shared interests.  “When they see us together and we carry a similar message, it gives them (province) incentive to act,” he said.  “Grants for the Duteau Creek treatment plant and assistance for the hospital are a result of UBCM and regional support.” Also representing Vernon in Whistler are Councillors Jack Gilroy and Shawn Lee.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the smart ones are staying home. But wait a minute, what can we expect from those going? Should it not be the other way around? I wonder!

VernonResident said...

Here is why Vernon will not find ANY solutions for GVW at UBCM:

1. Promoting devolution of the water utility is the EXACT OPPOSITE of promoting amalgamation;


2. The City of Vernon promoting water utility devolution ensures that the Province and Federal government will NEVER STEP UP with additional grants necessary to complete required regional water system upgrades.

We can thank our Mayor and Administrator for taking a conflicted and unproductive stand that is guaranteed to hurt not only City of Vernon taxpayers, but every single GVW customer.