Thursday, September 30, 2010

UBCM Delegates Get a Mulligan on Term of Office Vote This Morning.

Vernon Council Passed a resolution supporting a continuation of the three year term by a 5-2 vote. This should translate into a 2-1 split  on the Convention Floor on Thursday Morning from our 3 wise local representatives.

"Eventually, Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd moved that the re-vote go to a formal paper ballot. But even that wish sparked protests. Eventually the UBCM executive agreed, setting the vote for Thursday morning. "


VernonResident said...

Huh, a 2-1 split?

So Vernon Council is not a team working for the City, but a bunch of individuals representing their own opinions at UBCM?

Thanks DQ for enlightening us!

Don Quixote said...

I have assumed that the 3 councillors who are attending UBCM would vote the same way as they had on the motion passed at City Council. This may not occur and the vote may be 3-0 or even 0-3.

The more important vote that influences the ultimate decision is an expression by the people of B.C. but that has not happened yet.

Since it will be a secret ballot we will never know how our representatives voted.

VernonResident said...

Thanks DQ for your explanation.

However, I expect all Council members to uphold a decision of Council, not to vote according to their own wishes, and certainly not in opposition to a duly passed Council resolution!

As you said, we will never know.