BC's Small Business Minister says there's no appetite in the business community to raise the province's minimum wage.
At a stop in Vernon, Iain Black
(pictured) told Kiss FM, an increase to the current 8-dollar an hour wage, would hurt small merchants, which make up 98 percent of the province's businesses. "Raising the minimum wage as has been proposed by some of the union leaders, to ten dollars an hour, would cost small businesses in this proivnce about 255 million dollars, and is estimated to eliminate or threaten 55 thousand jobs almost overnight." When asked if the Liberal government is considering a hike, Black says it's an ongoing policy discussion for the Labour Minister. Meantime, the Okanagan is leading the province in terms of small business growth. That was the word from the Small Business Minister who spoke to the Vernon Chamber of Commerce Thursday."According the small business profile, the Thompson Okanagan ranked first in BC for net growth in new small businesses in the last couple of years. It's about a nine percent increases which represents over 4,400 new small businesses operating in the region."Chamber president and small business owner Deb Leroux says the economy has created challenges. "But I'm very proud of what the Okanagan has been able to contain, keep and grow, and that they are still enthusiastic people, passionate about their businesses." Black says there's almost 396,000 small businesses in BC, which accounts for 98 percent of all the businesses.
What a load of crap. As a former business owner that never used the minimum wage to justify being in business, one has to question the Government and Business on their logic.
Productive employees pay their way and the excuse the raising the minimum wage will cost millions of dollars is bogus. The business owners will just pass on the cost.
An example is the Restuarant and Hospitality industry. They use tips to supplement their staff wages and bear the fruits of passing on this cost. Shouldn't every restuarant provide good service and the consumer expect same and not have to tip to get good service.
"Chamber president and small business owner Deb Leroux" and Liberal candidate...
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