Thursday, November 18, 2010

Okanagan Symphony Orchestra: Gettin' Dizzy

Gettin' Dizzy: Don't miss this fantastic show Sunday night( Nov. 21st) at 7:00 pm in Vernon ( at Vernon Performing Arts Centre). The Okanagan Symphony is bringing special guest Mike Herriott Trumpet virtuoso.  Please Come, you will love it! Bring friends, special prices for high school students eyego tickets $5,Tickets at Ticket Seller 250-549-7469
See More  Mike Herriott || Symphony Shows Mike Herriott is proud to announce a new selection of Symphonic Pops shows.

Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
Sunday, November 21 2010 - 7:00pm
Mike Herriott, lead trumpeter, and a musician of great versatility brings his band to join the OSO in a show of swinging jazz favourites in this   Pops concert.


Maria Besso said...

Thanks for posting this!

I'll be there!

Maria Besso said...

I LOVE the cartoon ...I think Rosemary Thomson can learn something from Leopold!