Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vernon opens new parking lots

The City of Vernon will open two new parking lots within the downtown core. Both will be monthly parking only and will be available for business owners and employees of downtown businesses. The monthly parking fee will be $21.40 + HST, however rates are still under review, both as part of the Downtown Neighbourhood Plan and a general review of fees and charges. No changes are expected, however, until sometime in 2011.

The first lot is on the site of the old Medical Clinic parking lot at 3004 -32nd Street, and as Phase 1, will have 9 parking spaces available for use.  By the end of November, Phase 2 will provide another 20 spaces across the alley at 3007 – 31st Avenue where the Medical Clinic itself was situated. The second lot is on a property awaiting development at 3126 – 31st Avenue and will have approximately 30 spaces available for use.

The City has also made changes to City Staff parking that have made additional spaces available in the CSB Lot (Old Coldstream Hotel site).  Passes for this lot are $35.00 per month, and with the permit dispenser in the center of the lot, shorter term parking is also available (hourly, daily, weekly rates). If you are looking for covered parking, a number of spaces are still available in the City Parkade, at a cost of $55.00 + HST. Permits to park in any City lot are available at City Hall at the Cashier’s desk.

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