Monday, December 06, 2010

Dog Lights Petition Exceeds Goal - Petition to GVAC this week

Vernon dog owners are still growling over a lack of lighting at B-X Ranch Dog Park and they plan to tell local politicians about this week. Dog trainer Monique Lamoureux says a group will present the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee with a petition containing almost 700 signatures, calling for lights to be put up at the park.She says people have nine-to-five jobs and can't exercise their dogs.  And there aren't only holes to contend with at the park, just last week vandals slashed tires on a vehicle parked there.Those still interested can sign an online petition. Lamoureux says a Facebook page has also been set up for interested people to follow what's happening.

1 comment:

Kalwest said...

Perhaps the city can install coin operated light meters such as parking meters for the light operations if the Dog Owners are demanding lights. Or they could just raise the necessary funds to install the lights themselves.

Since when did it become a city obligation to provide amenities to dog owners?