Monday, January 24, 2011

City Council Approves Funds For New Fire Dispatch System

The Volkswagen option has been chosen for Vernon's new fire dispatch service, rather than the Rolls Royce. But Emergency Program Coordinator Brent Watson says the fancier system, used by Vancouver, isn't needed in a community which only deals with 2800 calls a year. Watson pressed city council on Monday for a quick decision, pointing out that the some of the current equipment is obsolete and failing.  Watson described a communications breakdown during a structure fire last Friday which, he said, could have been serious if people had been trapped in the residence. He said the system experienced further ``hiccups'' on Monday and that experts were trying to fix them. Councillor Jack Gilroy said he wasn't shocked by the problems, pointing out that the system was inherited from the North Okanagan Regional District. ``The maintainence hasn't been there. Our partnership wasn't that good with NORD. We asked for equipment updates and it was always put off,'' said Gilroy. Council has approved  $210,000 to be spent on the new system this year. Watson expects it to be up and running before the end of the year.


Anonymous said...

how convenient,and this enables the City of Vernon to blame Nord. How dumb do they think we are.

Anonymous said...

Ol' Jack is gearing up for the election by following the first rule of City politics; blame NORD, circle the wagons.
Good on you, Jack.

Kalwest said...

Perhaps the people at NORD are more competent than we give them credit.

If the savings of using the Fraser Valley system is that good, then why doesn't the City of Vernon use it as well.

watching... said...

Savings ????? If the 3 'volunteer' halls all respond to a call on Pleasant Valley Road - b/c the dispatcher in the Fraser Valley didn't know which hall to call... all the 'volunteer' firefighters who responed to the call will need to be paid their 'on call' wage. Sooo.... what was that savings again? Seems to me the whole area, all of NORD would be better served by all being under 1 main hall - for response and dispatch!
I'd rather pay a couple of extra bucks on my taxes and know I can count on help coming when I need it!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone done a cost comparison between the Vernon FD stand alone dispatch (with 4 dispatchers?)and Vernon signing on with the Fraser Valley like NORD did?? Seems as though Vernon could possibly allocate taxpayers money more efficiently Just curious?

Kalwest said...

Watching...Said's comments are rather specious.

Using Google Earth in it is limited form will more than identify what Fire Department should be called.

Since when did Volunteer firemen get paid?

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as "volunteer firemen" anymore!! Do your homework. Some "volunteer FF's" get paid over $20.00 per hour and all get paid over $10.00 per hour!! training time and firefighting time!!! Its all politics baby!! Come on Robert!! the correct information is just a call away, and you really don't believe everything that Richard Rolke writes....Do you??