Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mayor Supports City's `Canopy of Trees' Policy - Lippert urges residents not to cut down established trees

The City of Vernon is hoping to convince people to plant more trees and take care of the ones already established. ``We know that they contribute to our environment in terms of oxygen, taking out the carbon dioxide and helping clean the air,'' states Mayor Wayne Lippert. He and the rest of council have expressed support for a proposed City policy which sets tree canopy goals in the downtown and neighbourhoods. It was pointed out that trees retain storm water and also contribute to the value of residential properties. ``It enhances our face to the public (from) our general residents to visitors who come here,'' says Lippert.  While the mayor would like residents to plant more trees, he says the bigger message is to not cut any down. ``To look after what we've got because it takes a long time for a tree to mature.'' Council was told each City tree costs about $100 dollars a year to water and prune and that it drinks about 720 litres of water each year.


Anonymous said...

I love this! Finally we have a council that sees the light!

Anonymous said...

Vernon was once know as the "city of trees" good to think we may earn this distinction again!

Since everyone benefits from trees perhaps there could be some tax relief when old growth trees are at the end of their life span and need to be taken down. Anyone with large trees knows how costly it is to have them removed.