Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Prison Opposition Committee Formed - People opposed to the jail ``have not been represented at all.''

Not everyone in the Lumby area is happy with the Village council's push for a provincial jail. Former Green Party candidate Huguette Allen has joined the group which she says has held about a dozen meetings.  She says some members of the group are now trying to join the Village's new economic advisory committee to push for other ideas rather than a prison. Allen also questions why there has been no word from council on the results of an economic development meeting which pointed to other job-boosting possibilities.  Lumby is considering a telephone poll or a referendum to ask residents what they think of a prison. Allen says her group has a straw poll set up on the Web so that people throughout the area can have a vote.  She says people opposed to the jail ``have not been represented at all.''   So far 61.6% of those who responded to the poll do not support a prison in Lumby.
You can find the poll at:

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