Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Water rate process draws fire

A proposed hike in regional water rates continues to make waves in Coldstream.  The Greater Vernon Advisory Committee has proposed a 20 per cent increase in water rates for the average single-family home.  Coldstream politicians say the rushed time line GVAC follows to come up with the rates is unfair and deserves more time and attention. “This process of just throwing it on the table and everybody scrambling is not fair to the utility users,” said Coun. Doug Dirk. “It’s complex and it needs to be worked on and given some thought.”  As a result, Coldstream is requesting that a committee be formed to give adequate attention to the issue of water rates.  The actual rate itself is getting a mixed reaction from councillors.  “I don’t think the $66 per quarter fee is an inordinate amount to pay,” said Coun. Maria Besso of the proposed new base fee (which is up from $50, but does not include the initial use of 20 cubic metres).  “Based on my water bill my rates would go up 26 per cent, but if I reduced my water consumption by 70 cubic metres I’d be back to what I paid last year,” said Besso of the incentive to use less water.  Dirk sees the hike in the base fee as an access charge that is necessary to ensure water is at hand for residents.  “The fact that water is available to you has a certain cost,” said Dirk.  Mayor Jim Garlick, who is also a GVAC director, says the hike is needed to pay for projects started this year.There will also be a need to borrow $4 million next year to complete the Swan Lake separation from Goose Lake.  He understands that there is a need to fund projects, but Coun. Gyula Kiss isn’t happy with how the funds are being collected.  “It puts the burden on the very low users and generally the lowest users are the ones with the lowest incomes,” said Kiss, as the model doesn’t reward those who are already using less water.“It shouldn’t be put on the backs of the low-income families.”

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