Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Vernon Council Calls In Hospital Staff, IHA On Overcrowding Issue - Councillor calls for public to join `purple ribbon' campaign

Vernon Jubilee Hospital's administrator and senior medical staff, as well as Interior Health personnel, are being invited to attend a city council meeting to explain how the patient overcrowding problem can be solved. Senior medical staff have added their voices recently to calls for more patient care beds to be placed in the new patient care tower. It is slated to open later this year. Two shelled-in floors in the tower remain empty and doctors say they should be used for beds to help resolve the crisis. Councillor Bob Spiers is urging the public to join a `purple ribbon' Facebook campaign in support of  the hospital staff. ``If the physicians in this town feel that it's necessary now then let's support them,'' says Spiers. The `purple ribbon' campaign refers to the Code Purples at the hospital - a warning of acute overcrowding. 

The Facebook site can be found at http://www.facebook.com/pages/VJH-Purple-Ribbon-Campaign/152345338162749

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