Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jaws of Life Bites Into Budget

Jaws of Life
Photo: Jaws of Life
The Jaws of Life function is being discussed along with it's regional costs. Lumby mayor Kevin Acton says the village is paying for the tool to remove people from mangled cars, but not everyone within the Regional District of North Okanagan is.  He tells KISS FM, "You can imagine how many car rollovers we have in right in Lumby. We don't have many calls for Jaws, so the general feeling we're hearing from most of the politicians is that it should be something that's (funded) provincial."  Acton says the cost numbers don't line up with the call outs. Lumby's fire department is looking for a new truck for their Jaws equipment, at a cost of 400 thousand dollars. Acton says at 330 dollars back from the  province per call, it'll be a long time before it's paid off.

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