NOTICE OF MOTION (Councillor Spiers) Moved by Councillor Spiers, seconded by Councillor Nicol:
THAT Council approves a Core Service Review in 2010, to be completed prior to the 2011 Budget Process.
Councillor Spiers provided the following comments, for the record:
“A Core Service Review is nothing more than the financial section of our OCP that openly examines the City’s operations, service delivery and performance. It will provide a plan to ensure that all the core services (such as infrastructure, Police and Fire, water and sewer) are delivered in the most efficient manner and the future funding is sustainable. It will provide an evaluation of all other non-core but essential and valued services and make recommendations on how and whether they are sustainable in the future. It may provide different methods of delivering services at a lower cost, and may lead us to new revenue sources so we continue to provide both core and non-core but essential services. It may identify opportunities to reduce or eliminate services that are unnecessary or redundant. I can not predict what an external value for money audit will bring but I have no doubt that it will be well worth the cost and bring us savings on a multi fold basis. This 1 time cost will be more than offset by future yearly ongoing savings and expanded revenue sources.
THE QUESTION WAS CALLED ON THE MOTION, AND DECLARED DEFEATED, with Councillors Baumbrough, Lee, Nicol, O’Keefe, Gilroy, and Mayor Lippert, opposed. - Moved by Councillor Nicol, seconded by Councillor Spiers:
THAT Council directs the Chief Administrative Officer to develop a formal process for regular service reviews for consideration by Council.
Moved by Councillor Nicol seconded by Councillor Gilroy:
THAT Council brings forward, as public information, the following motion declassified from confidential to non- confidential at the October 25th, 2010, In-Camera meeting;
‘THAT Council directs the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with arrangements with Acton Consulting Ltd., for a ‘Best Practices’ review of the Planning & Building Services Department, as outlined in their letter of proposal dated October 18, 2010.’ - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – MARCH 14, 2011
At the Regular meeting held on February 28, 2011, Council received a presentation from Mr. Bruce Acton, Acton Consulting Ltd., regarding the Planning & Building Services Department Review Summary Report. Ms. Flick advised that the role of the Hesperia Development Corporation and Real Estate Manager will be clarified at the next Urban Development Institute (UDI) meeting, and Council is welcome to attend that meeting. Council expressed a concern that the report was not a ‘True Value for Money Audit’ as this was not reflected in the final report It was a good operational review of the Planning Department, and provided good information, however did not provide the audit that was anticipated. Ms. Flick, further advised the Planning & Building Services Summary Report will be reviewed for potential implementation of standards and efficiency changes as outlined in the report, and Council will be updated accordingly.
Moved by Councillor Nicol, seconded by Councillor Lee:
THAT Council receives the Planning & Building Services Summary Report prepared by Acton Consulting – 2011. CARRIED.
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