RCMP have confirmed the death of an Armstrong girl was a homicide. 18 year old Taylor Van Diest was found by family and police unconscious, with severe but unspecified injuries in a bush area off
Rosedale Avenue on Halloween night. She died of her injuries later in Kelowna hospital. North Okanagan RCMP spokesman Gord Molendyk says police have no suspects at this time. "What is known is that Taylor was out last evening for Halloween.
It's not clear who she was to meet with. RCMP, friends and family were
able to locate her a few feet away from these (railway) tracks around
8:45PM." Police are asking for information on the victim or any suspicious activity they may have seen. Molendyk says 30 officers are working on the case. The cause of death will be determined from an autopsy. There are suggestions on Facebook someone may have been following the victim or stalking her. Molendyk was not aware of that at today's news conference in
Armstrong but says police will be checking into social networking sites. "We are following up on all aspects of information prior to when she
was found. That's why we are asking the public, anyone who may have seen
her, is asked to please contact us." Van Diest had just graduated from Pleasant Valley Secondary School last June.
Photo: RCMP spokesman Gord Molendyk holds a picture of
homicide victim Taylor Van Diest at news conference in front of area
where she was found, off Rosedale Ave in Armstrong (P McIntyre photo)
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