Monday, March 12, 2012

Money Requests For GVAC

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Monday, 12 March 2012 02:15
The Vernon Community Music School is asking for local government support as it plans a major project. The foundation at the school's 100 year old East Hill heritage house is cracking, and needs a 340-thousand dollar upgrade. 125-thousand has been raised, and they're asking for donations from the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee. Chair Mike Macnabb says it may be a matter for the regional board.  "The music school really benefits a much larger area than just Greater Vernon because there are people from other areas that come in and use it." The music school has 700 students, and 23 teachers. They would like to start the renovation in the summer of 2013. In other GVAC news, Vernon's Community Garden Program is ready to grow, according to  organizers. Spokesperson Wendy Aasen has asked GVAC for an extra ten thousand dollars to coordinate the garden network. They're also seeking the cheaper agricultural water rate for a new site at Okanagan College. RDNO administrator Trafford Hall says it may be a matter better suited for the regional board. "We have to first determine whether this is in this function, whether they want to look into other functions, in which case it has to go back to the board itself, or whether or not the partners in parks and recreation are willing to fund this." Other community garden sites include VSS, West Vernon and Marshall Fields in the future.

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