Friday, May 04, 2012

RDOS staff votes to go on strike

Penticton Herald staff 05/04/2012 
 Unionized staff at the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen have rejected a proposed contract offer. RDOS workers voted 88 per cent in favour of strike action. The roughly 55 workers are members of the B.C. Government and Service Employees‘ Union and work as building inspectors, water systems operators, planners, bylaw officers, clerks, landfill attendants and GIS technicians. The union members rejected an offer from the regional district that would see wages frozen for clerical staff and others for the four-year life of the agreement. The employer also rejected the union‘s proposals for harassment language and improvements to benefits, vacation and sick leave. “Workers sent a clear message to the employer that freezing wages for clerical positions a 100 per cent female department is unacceptable,” BCGEU negotiator Debra Critchley said in a news release. “We‘re disappointed the employer couldn‘t find any money for a modest wage increase for them, especially after regional district directors gave themselves a raise.” Mediation dates have been set for mid-June. Despite the strike mandate from its membership, the union has not yet issued 72-hour strike notice. RDOS chairman Dan Ashton said he hopes both sides can reach a settlement through the upcoming mediated contract talks. “I‘m hoping that both parties will come to an agreement that‘s beneficial for the citizens that they represent,” he said. Ashton questioned the union‘s statement that the RDOS directors voted themselves a raise. Although the RDOS board initiated a cost-of-living adjustment for directors stipends in 2010, it was waived in 2011. There is some question whether it was re-introduced for 2012. Ashton said he's personally disappointed the union negotiator would make such a comment.

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