Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Parking Fee Options Considered

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Tuesday, 25 March 2014 06:00
City staff will take a closer look at the options for parking meter fees in downtown Vernon. The current dollar an hour rates have upset some merchants and drivers since taking effect last year, and varied rates outside of 30th Avenue, will be explored. Mayor Rob Sawatzky is concerned reducing the rates could cut up to $190,000 from annual revenues. "There are consequences to doing that and they are pretty significant. We run a very tight budget and there folks who want more amenities and services, and reducing parking rates, reduces that," says Sawatzky. Administrator Will Pearce warned council any changes to the fees would likely affect the tax rate, to keep the budget balanced, although surplus funds could be another option. Councillor Juliette Cunningham says businesses have given their input. "We know that a lot of them are hurting. It's not always easy to assess the reason for that, but we've heard quite clearly that parking is having an impact," says Cunningham who has owned a business downtown for 24 years. Councillor Mary Jo O'Keefe says she supports keeping the higher rates in the high occupancy areas, saying that keeps the vehicles moving. Councillor Brian Quiring says if the fees are lowered, parking fines should be doubled. "If people are abusing them, then slam them," he said. "I feel like we made a mistake. We're hitting the downtown negatively," added Quiring about having the $1 an hour rates in all meters, going against what a consultant recommended when council was originally looking into the issue.

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