Sunday, August 24, 2014

107.5 KISSFM POLL: Results Final.

 Should north and central Okanagan municipalities pay $50-million dollars to buy the CN Rail line between Vernon and Kelowna?
44 69.8%
19 30.2%

Number of Voters :  63

1 comment:

Shawn Lee said...

I think there is good reasons for preserving this rail right way.Once lost it would be very costly to restore. Unfortunately the very economic climate that produces the opportunity to have a world class lakeshore trail also produces reluctance to spend the money to make it a reality. If the economy was booming the yes's would have won the kiss fm poll but ironically in such circumstances the trains would still be rolling.I recently cycled the Myra Canyon section of the KVR. I believe that the proposed trail would be in the same league. Cheers Shawn Lee a Vernon Taxpayer