Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Patrols Cool Downtown Concerns

Posted on 11/24/2015 by Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM
It appears police patrols are the answer to safety concerns in downtown Vernon. RCMP have added foot patrols in the area since complaints about panhandlers erupted a few weeks ago. Staff Sgt. Kara Triance told council. says they realize their visible presence is required. "We've responded to that. We've increased foot patrols and refocused them on 30th Avenue." She says the patrols had been centralized in the Polson park and Green Valley Motel area before the change. "We understand this is a real important area and the need to respond immediately," said Triance. Councillor Scott Anderson -- who initially raised the concerns from social media postings -- says he's satisfied the patrols are addressing the issues. "I am indeed. I think that's what is called for, and I commend them on doing that. And when the additional two officers comes up under the budget, I intend to vote yes on it," Anderson tells Kiss FM. RCMP are calling on the city to fund two more officers for their Downtown Enforcement Unit, at a cost of 165-thousand dollars each. "I think an increased police presence, and especially if it's walking, will really enhance the experience for tourists -- and our town certainly depends on tourists -- and for all of us," adds Anderson. Mayor Akbal Mund says a street vendor's claim he was assaulted by a panhandler, started the issue. "That wasn't the case (the man involved was not a panhandler or transient according to the city), and we've wound up where we are now. Has it increased the safety of downtown? Probably, because now we have more patrols and bylaws down there," says Mund. Mund says when he did a downtown business walk a few weeks ago, the number one issue was parking, not panhandling. "If there's a problem, let us know. If there is a problem and we don't know about it, we can't fix it, " he adds.

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