Friday, May 19, 2017

RDNO To Apply For Grant For Water Filtration

Vernon, BC, Canada / 1075 KISS FM Tom Mark May 19, 2017 06:17 am
The Regional District of North Okanagan is committing itself to have a filtration system installed at the Mission Hill Water Treatment Plant. RDNO Board Chair Bob Fleming says the board approved seeking a government grant for a much needed system ” there’s two treatment systems, chlorine obviously. The other is UV light. The ultimate solution to make sure that we continue to meet Interior Health guidelines would be filtration.” Fleming says senior government funding is needed to help with it. ” yeah, So that’s a combination, the Strategic Priorities Fund, I think it’s the one and it’s a joint federal-provincial funding mechanism for waste water and water treatment.”Fleming says an application will be submitted as soon as possible. A filtration system would cost about 36 million dollars.” Unless we get senior levels of government contributing to the funding in a significant way that will be deferred which is fine for the time being.”He says a filtration system is on the back burner for the Duteau plant but will be part of a review of the Master Water Plan.

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