Monday, April 16, 2018

Vernon City Councillor Proposes Regular Town Halls

Vernon, BC, Canada / 1075 Beach Radio Vernon April 16, 2018 06:42 am
Vernon council members will be part of regular town hall type meetings with the public — if one councillor gets his way. Scott Anderson says he will be introducing a notice of motion at the next council meeting, calling for quarterly meetings, where the public can have their say on issues they have. “We will be listening to them, taking those concerns with us, but we won’t be replying back in the model I will propose. That way we’ll get the same sort of respectful process that we got this time,” Anderson tells CJIB News. Anderson says the meetings would have a similar format to the Activate Safety Task Force meeting April 5th that got input from businesses impacted by the street-entrenched population. “It gives us a window into society that we currently don’t have. It lets them talk to all of us at the same time, to express what their concerns are.” Anderson says if the proposal goes ahead, he expects to hear mostly about social problems that people see.

1 comment:

azaroch said...

A rather archaic, backward proposal. Wouldn't a civic blog be far more efficient? I was at the so-called Safety Task Force meeting. It simply provided a venue to vent pent-up frustrations. Without real discussion, debate and dialogue there is no real public input. This is just a smokescreen for some leaders to hide behind and pretend they are actually performing duly elected duties. No to archaic meet and greets!