Monday, July 24, 2006



At the council meeting today by a 7-0 vote the Council announced the disbanding of the existing Cultural Complex Committee.

Councillor not willing to extend committee’s role
By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffJul 23 2006
A Vernon politician is preparing to pull the plug on the city’s cultural complex committee. Coun. Jack Gilroy is unwilling to consider a request Monday that the committee’s mandate be extended and expanded to take in other issues related to the proposed facility. “They’ve done an excellent job but it’s time for council to take over and make a decision,” he said. The committee presented its final report to council two weeks ago, and, as part of the document, it asked that the future mandate of the committee be extended. It also wants its mandate defined to deal with the official community plan, the library’s long-term plans, establishing structure of jurisdictions, inclusion of other groups and possible phasing in of construction. However, Gilroy doesn’t believe that is necessary. “We could go on and on spending taxpayers’ money (on studies) but it’s time to make a decision,” he said. Gilroy says he favours establishing a cultural district in downtown Vernon, but he is concerned the complex’s estimated $38 million price tag will be too onerous on taxpayers. Gilroy will likely butt heads with Mayor Wayne Lippert Monday. Lippert says the committee’s original mandate was very narrow and other options, such as including commercial space or affordable housing, couldn’t be considered. “We need to look at other ways to make it work,” he said of the complex. “The cultural community is important to the city and we need to look at it and to keep it viable.” Besides seeking an extended mandate, the cultural committee has also made other requests of city council.
It wants council to review jurisdictional issues, particularly how to proceed with the Greater Vernon Services Commission. The committee also wants its final report released to GVSC and the Okanagan Regional Library board.

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