Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bingo hall wants liquor licence (KAMLOOPS)

By MARKUS ERMISCHStaff reporterJul 23 2006 http://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/
A Brocklehurst bingo hall has applied for a liquor-primary licence to build a lounge on its premises. It is the second application by a gaming establishment city council has to consider this year. On Tuesday, council will decide whether to allow the application, submitted by Chances Gaming Entertainment, to proceed to a public hearing to allow for a rezoning of the Halston Avenue property. A similar application by Lake City Casino to serve alcohol at its Victoria Street location was approved by council earlier this year by a vote of 7-2, with councillors Arjun Singh and Jim Harker voting against. The city’s administration supports the Chances application because the property is designated as commercial, “a land-use category within which drinking establishments are commonly found elsewhere in the city,” states a report. That same report states that the city’s development policies “encourage creating a supportive business climate and increased tourism opportunities.” The RCMP have no objections.
The city’s social planning council, however, opposes the application over concerns that mixing gambling with alcohol could potentially have negative consequences. Chances has agreed to enter into a Good Neighbour Social Contract, which means that it will ensure cleanliness around the establishment and to ensure customers disperse orderly after leaving. Outlets in Kelowna and Williams Lake that are affiliated with Chances already serve alcohol on their premises. Singh, a member of the social planning council, told KTW in January that he is “squeamish about having liquor in that establishment [Chances]” because “statistics show that there is an increase in social issues when drinking and gambling are combined.”

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