The Vernon and Districts Taxpayers Association is profoundly disappointed at the vote taken by Vernon Council on July 10, 2006 not to fund the purchase, installation, operation and maintenance of sewer lift/grinder pumps required to connect Okanagan Landing to the City’s sanitary sewer mains. This decision is contrary to documentation signed by former Mayor Wayne McGrath. This Council had access to the 1992 final report from Reid and Crowther which the Council at the time accepted and agreed that the improvements in the Landing sewer infrastructure would be a continuation of the existing sewer system at no cost to the residents. Letters verifying this undertaking were signed by former Mayor McGrath, City staff and elected officials including Councillor Klaus Tribes. Vernon Daily News of December 22, 1992, “Coun.. Klaus Tribes told Monday’s meeting once the approval is given by the Province, water and sewer services can be used as part of the package to promote a positive outcome in the referendum”.The design of this section of the system is totally different from the plans put forth in 1992 and has been driven by the developers of The Outback and Predator Ridge. Had the original design been used Okanagan Landing residents would not need these pumps.Furthermore, this decision is based on false economy. The latest Report forces 182 longtime residents to pay $15,000+ for equipment that the City refuses to own and maintain because they have no faith in it. The City is forcing residents to shoulder the total bill to service 182 stubs at a cost of $2.1 million, a sum which is negligible when spread through the entire tax base. This decision represents a dangerous precedent for residents in other parts of the City and in future annexations. Anyone presently on septic tank may be forced to hook up at a prohibitive cost. There is a possibility of punitive measures to force hook up to sewer services contained in lists of other properties whose turn is coming. Coldstream residents should be wary as well as Coldstream Council also is looking at how to get out of owning and maintaining grinder/lift pumps as it forges ahead with sewer to Coldstream Meadows.
(Vernon Daily News, Dec. 22, 1992) In 1992, the installation of water and sewer for the Landing was projected at $3,829,313 and of that total, $2,329,300 would be funded by government grants. Today, in 2006, residents are being forced to come up with $2.1 million to fund that system. Where did the grant money go?The Association hopes that Council will reconsider its decision and not force constituents to seek legal remedy.Contact: Alan Hill 545-1648 Alanhill@shaw.ca
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