Monday, August 21, 2006

Harvey Pleads Guilty
It was an openly emotional Sean Harvey that addressed a Vernon courtroom this morning.The former Mayor of Vernon plead guilty to his charge of breach of public trust.The charge of fraud was stayed.Those charges were laid after the discovery of 90 incidents of improper use of the City of Vernon credit card while Harvey was Mayor.When asked by the judge if he had anything to say Harvey wept while apologizing for his actions Outside the courtroom he had this to say, 'What I did was wrong, and I certainly apologize to the citizens of Canada. We live in an age when people are increasingly cynical of their elected officials and my actions reinforced and added to that level of cynicism and I'm really sorry for that." During the hearing the crown and the defense presented their cases for conditional sentencing. The crown is asking for an 18 month jail term along with house arrest, community work service and full restitution on the outstanding money owed.Defense aggrees to those terms except for the length of jail time - they are asking 8 months to a year.No date has been set for the sentencing hearing as of yet.So far Harvey has paid back just over $5200 of his more than $13 000 debt to the City of Vernon.(Jessica Samuels Aug 21)

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