Monday, August 14, 2006



The big news around Halton tonight was the call that Scott took. At first he thought it was another one of those irritating telemarketers from the federal Tories, begging for money. After all, a young woman’s voice came on saying something like, I’m from the Conservative Party of Canada. Then his ears picked up when she got to the part about inviting him to a meeting tomorrow night in Milton, so the Conservative Party can review Garth Turner’s candidacy. Seeing Scott is a director of the party in Halton, and a key member of my campaign team, he was curious as to what the heck was going on. His questions were passed on to a guy who said he was in from Ottawa for a couple of weeks to work on this project, and that concerned citizens were gathering to organize because of concerns about Garth Turner and the marriage vote. So, Scott asked in his bashful way, are you part of the fundamentalist religious right wing of the party? The answer, he says, was quick in coming: “Oh, yes.” So, there you have it. Trouble in River City. Depending on what happens over the next couple of days, I may be coming face-to-face with a moral brigade determined to unhorse me and steal away the Conservative Party nomination in Halton that I won in a battle just 16 months ago. In fact, Scott tells me his caller mentioned the righteous right folk will be backing one of the guys I defeated.

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